Understanding named licenses
Meridian Enterprise licenses are available in two types: concurrent (first-come, first-served) or named (assigned to specific users).
Named licenses work the same as concurrent licenses as described in Understanding Meridian licenses with the following exceptions:
- Each license (for example, PowerUser Client licenses) can be either named licenses or concurrent licenses. Named licenses cannot be mixed with concurrent licenses within the same license.
- Each license type can be assigned to a different Microsoft Active Directory group as described in Reserving licenses.
- When named licenses are registered, an encrypted cache file (AM-Meridian.clic) is created in the program folder and updated frequently. If this file is deleted, renamed, or restored from backup, the license manager service will not start and the licenses must be re-registered and re-authorized.
- Named licenses are assigned to specific users upon first use.
- Named licenses that have not been used for a period of 90 days can be re-assigned to a different user as described in NEW Reassigning named licenses.
- Separate license servers cannot pool named licenses. If a user opens vaults on separate servers that connect to separate license servers, that user will claim a named license from each license server.
- All license activity can be logged for troubleshooting by setting the AuditLicenseRequests registry value as described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Server\Licensing. The logged data can be viewed in the Application event log.